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The current position of ANNIKA BRAREN is in Baltic Sea with coordinates 58.98372° / 18.79935° as reported on 2021-01-14 04:59 by AIS to our vessel tracker
Get the details of the current Voyage of ANNIKA BRAREN including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9849148, MMSI 211302790, Kallmerki DGTH2 Track current position of ANNIKA BRAREN on Live Map and find its IMO, MMSI, Call Sign, 9849148,211302790 Skráður hraði (Mesti / Meðal) 10,20 / 8,70 knots . Fáni Prędkość rejestrowana (maks. / średnia) 12,90 / 10,30 knots . Bandera ANNIKA BRAREN le pont transbordeur Martrou . ANNIKA BRAREN. Photo Details.
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Vessel ANNIKA BRAREN is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Germany. Her IMO number is 9849148 and MMSI number is 211302790. Main ship particulars are length of 85 m and beam of 15 m. Schiffsdetails: ANNIKA BRAREN.
Vessel ANNIKA BRAREN is a General Cargo, Registered in Germany. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of ANNIKA BRAREN including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9849148, MMSI 211302790, Kallmerki DGTH2
Stapellauf Annika Braren - THB Bericht. Weiterlesen . Clean-Marine-Award.
22 Mar 2021 Own Vessels · M/S Annika Braren · M/S Helene Braren – Chartername: African Forest · M/S Simon Braren – Chartername: African River · M/S
Prędkość rejestrowana (maks. / średnia) 12,90 / 10,30 knots Skráður hraði (Mesti / Meðal) 10,20 / 8,70 knots . Fáni The current position of ANNIKA BRAREN is in North Sea with coordinates 51.40141° / 0.54511° as reported on 2021-01-06 21:46 by AIS to our vessel tracker app. The vessel's current speed is 0 Knots and is currently inside the port of CHATHAM. The vessel ANNIKA BRAREN (IMO: 9849148, MMSI: 211302790) is a Cargo It's sailing under the flag of [DE Buque llamado ANNIKA BRAREN, registrado con el número IMO: 9849148, MMSI: 211302790 es General Cargo Ship.
Se construyó en 2020. ANNIKA BRAREN NOK - Holtenau -Kiel . ANNIKA BRAREN. Photo Details. Place of Photo. NOK - Holtenau -Kiel 54.362°, 10.064
M/S Annika Braren ist das neueste Schiff der Reederei.
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Her IMO number is 9849148 and MMSI number is 211302790. Main ship particulars are length of 85 m and beam of 15 m.
Taken on: 2020-08-30 11:15:49.
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ANNIKA BRAREN NOK - Holtenau -Kiel . ANNIKA BRAREN. Photo Details. Place of Photo. NOK - Holtenau -Kiel 54.362°, 10.064
Ship Tracker Photo Search Under On Friday 14th of Februari 2020 at 10:00 hrs, Annika Braren(85.00 x 15.00m/ German Flag) was launched succesfully at the yard in Hoogezand: https://www.youtu Where is the current position of VEGA FYNEN presently? Vessel VEGA FYNEN is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Germany. Her IMO number is 9336359 and MMSI number is 211313330. Where is the current position of RITA BR presently?
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Schiffsdetails: ANNIKA BRAREN. Entdecke Die Wesentlichen Schiffsdetails, Einschliesslich Imo-Schiffsnummer / Mmsi-Nummer Und Schiffsrufzeichen. Typ: General Cargo Schiff, Registriert In Germany. Finde Die Schiffsdetails: Tragfähigkeit, Bruttoraumzahl Und Baujahr. Schiffsdetails Über ANNIKA BRAREN Einschliesslich Aktueller Schiffsposition, Reiseinformation Und Fotos. ANNIKA BRAREN
Auszeichnung für Reederei Braren. Corona (COVID-19) - Statement. Within Amasus Shipping we realize we are facing an unprecedented and difficult situation with the COVID-19 virus.